What’s design got to do with it? DESIGNHEADS is an interview series profiling the next generation of designers, tastemakers, and creatives *shaking things up* in the world of design.

Interested in being featured?

**Send your responses to the following prompts, 2 hi-res photos of yourself, and some photos of your work/world to︎**

Are you a designer? Why or why not?
One word to describe your take on design:
The last thing you made:
The next thing you want to make:
A designed object you adore:
A designed object you can’t stand the sight of:
A moment of pure creative joy:
When we say “designing the future,” what comes to mind?
If you could show your work to anyone in the world, who would it be?
Your aesthetic embodied as a:
  • sound?
  • color?
  • texture?
Your *grail*: if you could own one iconic design work, what would it be?
What’s next for you?

Talk soon !

We will do our best to share every profile that we receive that aligns with our goals here at PE! We’re a small team, so please be patient ︎


A creative studio and platform celebrating radical design subculture.