Masha Volkova is a DESIGNHEAD

Blog — 8.23.22

Name: Masha Volkova

Age: 22

Location: Amsterdam



Masha Volkova

Are you a designer? Why or why not?
yes. i seek for technical solutions to achieve a result- an object that can be used in one way or another.

One word to describe your take on design:

The last thing you made:
a chair made out of shopping cart called ‘consumer’s dream’

The next thing you want to make:
a couch

A designed object you adore:
bic pen. did you know that the holes on top of the lid were designed to prevent people from dying if they accidentally swallow it?!

Bic Pen

A designed object you can’t stand the sight of:
IKEA’s Lack coffee table. lord, this is one of the most impersonal objects i’ve seen. no character, no nothing. i usually see them being thrown away on the street, yet never felt pity for them.

The Lack Table by Ikea

A moment of pure creative joy:
after listening to a song on repeat while working for 5 hours in a row, you take out your headphones and watch the birth of your new piece, acknowledging its presence.

When we say “designing the future,” what comes to mind?
well-thought personalized design. playful approach to design.

If you could show your work to anyone in the world, who would it be?
my grandma

Your aesthetic embodied as a...

familiar sound you can't fully remember



Your *grail*: if you could own one iconic design work, what would it be?
Misha Kahn’s ‘Wild One’

Misha Kahn

What’s next for you?
new studio and a welding machine


DESIGNHEADS is a Pink Essay project. Are you a DESIGNHEAD? Send your responses to these prompts & 3 hi-res portraits to

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A creative studio and platform celebrating radical design subculture.