David Eardley is a DESIGNHEAD
Blog — 8.20.22
What’s design got to do with it? DESIGNHEADS is a Pink Essay project featuring the new generation of designers, tastemakers, and creatives *shaking up* the design world.
David Eardley
Ciudad de México
Are you a designer? Why or why not?
Yes, I would say that I am a designer. I often feel like this label is a bit limiting (would be cool to think of a word that describes percentages of focus, like 70% designer/30% visual artist), but in many ways I am a designer.
“God is a DJ” chairs by David Eardley
One word to describe your take on design:
The last thing you made:
A set of trucker hats
The next thing you want to make:
A soccer jersey with an unexpected graphic
A designed object you adore:
A designed object you can’t stand the sight of:
Mass-produced brass lamps
A moment of pure creative joy:
When my friends visit the studio
When we say “designing the future,” what comes to mind?
This question is at the core of what I want Pink Essay to explore. I think, ultimately, it all comes down to community, connection, and platform-sharing. Design that exists purely for a luxury market or to be consumed and then thrown away is destructive at best and malicious at worst. I believe in design made to last, design that celebrates diversity of perspective, and design that tells a new story.
If you could show your work to anyone in the world, who would it be?
18-year-old me <3
Your aesthetic embodied as a...
The intro of “Grins” by Charli XCX
Slightly icy blue frosted glass
Your *grail*: if you could own one iconic design work, what would it be?
the entire Ligne Roset catalog, circa 1999
What’s next for you?
Continuing to grow, reflecting on my impact on the world both local and at large, and creating cool shit with the people I love.
Continuing to grow, reflecting on my impact on the world both local and at large, and creating cool shit with the people I love.
DESIGNHEADS is a Pink Essay project. Are you a DESIGNHEAD? Send your responses to these prompts & a hi-res photo to hello@pinkessay.space.
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